public function upload()
// Check for request forgeries 这里是上传校验是否是登陆用户
JSession::checkToken(‘request’) or jexit(JText::_(‘JINVALID_TOKEN’));
$params = JComponentHelper::getParams(‘com_media’);// Get some data from the request 这里是获取上传的文件信息
$files = $this->input->files->get(‘Filedata’, array(), ‘array’);
$return = JFactory::getSession()->get(‘com_media.return_url’);//这里主要是获取你上传的路径或文件夹
$this->folder = $this->input->get(‘folder’, ”, ‘path’);// Don’t redirect to an external URL.
if (!JUri::isInternal($return))
$return = ”;
}// Set the redirect
if ($return)
$this->setRedirect($return . ‘&folder=’ . $this->folder);
$this->setRedirect(‘index.php?option=com_media&folder=’ . $this->folder);
}// Authorize the user
if (!$this->authoriseUser(‘create’))
return false;
}// If there are no files to upload – then bail
if (empty($files))
return false;
}// Total length of post back data in bytes.
$contentLength = (int) $_SERVER[‘CONTENT_LENGTH’];// Instantiate the media helper
$mediaHelper = new JHelperMedia;// Maximum allowed size of post back data in MB.
$postMaxSize = $mediaHelper->toBytes(ini_get(‘post_max_size’));// Maximum allowed size of script execution in MB.
$memoryLimit = $mediaHelper->toBytes(ini_get(‘memory_limit’));// Check for the total size of post back data.
if (($postMaxSize > 0 && $contentLength > $postMaxSize)
|| ($memoryLimit != -1 && $contentLength > $memoryLimit))
JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_(‘COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNUPLOADTOOLARGE’));return false;
}$uploadMaxSize = $params->get(‘upload_maxsize’, 0) * 1024 * 1024;
$uploadMaxFileSize = $mediaHelper->toBytes(ini_get(‘upload_max_filesize’));// Perform basic checks on file info before attempting anything
foreach ($files as &$file)
$file[‘name’] = JFile::makeSafe($file[‘name’]);
$file[‘name’] = str_replace(‘ ‘, ‘-‘, $file[‘name’]);//注意这里的$file[‘name’] 是文件全名wenjian.jpg 如果你直接替换会不知道什么类型会报错误的
$file[‘filepath’] = JPath::clean(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(COM_MEDIA_BASE, $this->folder, $file[‘name’])));if (($file[‘error’] == 1)
|| ($uploadMaxSize > 0 && $file[‘size’] > $uploadMaxSize)
|| ($uploadMaxFileSize > 0 && $file[‘size’] > $uploadMaxFileSize))
// File size exceed either ‘upload_max_filesize’ or ‘upload_maxsize’.
JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_(‘COM_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE’));return false;
}if (JFile::exists($file[‘filepath’]))
// A file with this name already exists
JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_(‘COM_MEDIA_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS’));return false;
}if (!isset($file[‘name’]))
// No filename (after the name was cleaned by JFile::makeSafe)
$this->setRedirect(‘index.php’, JText::_(‘COM_MEDIA_INVALID_REQUEST’), ‘error’);return false;
}// Set FTP credentials, if given
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();foreach ($files as &$file)
// The request is valid
$err = null;if (!MediaHelper::canUpload($file, $err))
// The file can’t be uploadedreturn false;
}// Trigger the onContentBeforeSave event.
$object_file = new JObject($file);
$result = $dispatcher->trigger(‘onContentBeforeSave’, array(‘com_media.file’, &$object_file, true));if (in_array(false, $result, true))
// There are some errors in the plugins
JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::plural(‘COM_MEDIA_ERROR_BEFORE_SAVE’, count($errors = $object_file->getErrors()), implode(‘<br />’, $errors)));return false;
}if (!JFile::upload($object_file->tmp_name, $object_file->filepath))
// Error in upload
JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_(‘COM_MEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE’));return false;
}// Trigger the onContentAfterSave event.
$dispatcher->trigger(‘onContentAfterSave’, array(‘com_media.file’, &$object_file, true));
$this->setMessage(JText::sprintf(‘COM_MEDIA_UPLOAD_COMPLETE’, substr($object_file->filepath, strlen(COM_MEDIA_BASE))));
}return true;
$file[‘name’] = JFile::makeSafe($file[‘name’]);
$file[‘name’] = str_replace(‘ ‘, ‘-‘, $file[‘name’]);//这里是取文件的扩展名(后缀名)
$hz = substr($file[‘name’], strrpos($file[‘name’], ‘.’)+1);//重新拼接保存的文件名这里我用时间戳命名
$file[‘name’]=date(“Y”).date(“m”).date(“d”).date(“H”).date(“i”).date(“s”).rand(100, 999).”.”.$hz;
$file[‘filepath’] = JPath::clean(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(COM_MEDIA_BASE, $this->folder, $file[‘name’])));
主要的上传代码的方法是JFile::upload($object_file->tmp_name, $object_file->filepath)类
* Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
* @param string $src The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file
* @param string $dest The path (including filename) to move the uploaded file to
* @param boolean $use_streams True to use streams
* @param boolean $allow_unsafe Allow the upload of unsafe files
* @param boolean $safeFileOptions Options to JFilterInput::isSafeFile
* @return boolean True on success
* @since 11.1
public static function upload($src, $dest, $use_streams = false, $allow_unsafe = false, $safeFileOptions = array())
$src 这个参数是上传的临时文件名是表单提交的时候在tem里生成的临时文件
$dest 这里是你要保存的位置路径文件名
END 如果有不了解可以留言给我